HTML 기초 정리(9) - <aside> 옆쪽 본문


HTML 기초 정리(9) - <aside> 옆쪽


정의 및 사용법

태그 <aside>는 태그가 배치된 콘텐츠 외의 다른 콘텐츠를 정의합니다.
옆의 내용은 주위의 내용과 간접적으로 연관되어야 합니다.
팁: 콘텐츠 <aside>는 종종 문서의 사이드바에 배치됩니다.
참고: 이 <aside>요소는 브라우저에서 특별한 것으로 렌더링되지 않습니다.

그러나 CSS를 사용하여 <aside> 요소에 스타일을 지정할 수 있습니다(아래 예 참조).



CSS를 사용하여 <aside> 요소의 스타일을 지정합니다.

aside { width: 30%; padding-left: 15px; margin-left: 15px; float: right; font-style: italic; background-color: lightgray; } 

<h1>The aside element</h1>
<p>My family and I visited The Epcot center this summer.
The weather was nice, and Epcot was amazing! I had a great summer together with my family!

<p>The Epcot center is a theme park at Walt Disney World Resort featuring exciting attractions,
international pavilions, award-winning fireworks and seasonal special events.

<p>My family and I visited The Epcot center this summer. The weather was nice, and Epcot was amazing! I had a great summer together with my family!

<p>My family and I visited The Epcot center this summer. The weather was nice,
and Epcot was amazing! I had a great summer together with my family!




아래와 같이 실행된다.


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